Gravity Falls is a town where mysterious and supernatural encounters, it is located in Gravity Falls, Oregon. Gravity Falls is a cartoon that was created back in 2012, it is a very mystery adventurous comedy that is very underratted in some opinions. It is an American animated tv series that was created by Alex Hirsch. Gravity Falls is not really talked about and you don't really hear people talking about how the cartoon is a comfort show. 2 kids decide to go spend the summer with their great-uncle in a mysterious town named gravity falls in Oregon. Grunkle Stan run a business and it's called The Mystery Shack; The Mystery Shack has alot of history behind it but in the show it is a tourist trap and it is lowkey known that it is a hoax because Grunkle love and just wants money. While being in Gravity Falls somehow secrets are discovered everyday of the summer of them being there. The kids, mabel and dipper, and 2 other employees, Wendy and Soos, are the only staff beside the owner. The Mystery Shack is also where the Pines family residenced before Grunkle Stan and Ford gave it to Soos. The Twins, Mabel and Dipper, summer had become more interesting as they got settled with their grunkle, Dipper had uncovers a journals that shows the strange and mysterious in Gravity Falls. There are 3 journals full of mysterious throughout Gravity-Falls but journal #3 is the third and final, it was written by Stan Pines but then Dipper had discovered it later.
Mabel and Dipper Pines are 12 years old but will be 13 by the end of the season. Mabel is the older twin but older by 5 minutes, she's outgoing, optimistic, and full of life; she represents the shooting star symbol. Mabel is a girl who wants to become the president of the U.S.A and to have an epic summer romance, She is from Piedmont California, and have a pet pig name Waddles that she had won from a fair by just guessing the weight. Dipper is very different from Mabel, he's smart, curious, and adventurous for a 13 year old. Dipper represents the pine tree symbol, it is on his hat, his goals is to discover Gravity Falls, Win Wendy's affection, learn the identity of the authors over the journals which he did, and to graduate high school with a high GPA, get accepted into a good college, and to save the world; the twins birthday is August 31. Grunkle Stan who name is Stanford Pines, he is also a twin aswell and his twin name is Ford Pines, their birthday is June 15th. Stan and Ford are from New Jesery, Ford is 15 minutes older than Stan. Through their childhood, their father had forced them to take boxing lessons to toughen up and give them strength Grunkle Stan owns The Mystery Shack, has goals to be wealthy and to rescue his brother from a different dimension/universe. Wendy Corduroy is another person who works at that the mystery shack,from Gravity-Falls Oregon as well, her birthday is September 4, so at the time of the show; she was 15 and 16 by the end. She is laid-back, rebellious, and funloving so her personality is just like any other ordinary teenager. She represents a bag of ice-resembling and that is because of her cool demeanor when in the face of danger. Wendy is shown to have good aim, certain athletic skills, and when she was younger, she used to be in lumberjack games. Soos Ramirez, whos whole name is Jesus Alzamirano Ramirez, is an empoylee and current owner of the shack, he was born on July 13th. He represents the question mark symbol and his goal were to be where the action is, to own the Mystery Shack, which was fulfilled, to be the Mystery Shack mascot, was formerly, and to be adopted by stan and then change his name to Stan Junior. Soos is a very friendly chill but in the show, he display that he has a childish nature, eager, and inquistive. But one thing about Soos, he hates his birthday and that is because his father didn't wish him happy birthday and wasn't in his life, he considered Stan as a father figure for him.
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